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     Day in the Life



Check out this quick video to see what a day is like....


So this is what you can expect for typical day.  Get to the warehouse whatever time you have to be there. This is different for each DSP. Some start loading at the station at 9:30am, some don't start until 11:30am, and every 30 mins or so in between.


So you get up with your DSP squad, get a little pouch with your stuff in it. This includes your phone, charger, maybe a credit card if you have to get gas for truck. Manager or dispatch may give the group a quick talk about what to focus on. Whatever metric Amazon is pushing to them at that time, or whatever numbers have not been up to par they may remind you to work on. Most common example of this is anything from wearing seatbelt, or not speeding, to making sure you are not leaving the truck running, which is a big one at the moment. 


After that you get your van and get in line to load out. You will get the hang of this after a day or two, its pretty brainless. Your work phone will tell you where your cart is and how many totes and overflow packages you have. Totes are bags filled with boxes and envelopes. Overflow packages are individual boxes to big to fit in the totes. If you ever have a question in the warehouse - Where are my carts? Just ask someone, anyone. The nice thing about this job is everyone is usually pretty nice and helpful.

So after you meet with DSP team and get in a lane ready to load your van this is what it looks like...  The way you get trained by the warehouse, or your trainer, as to how you load the van will always be different. You just have to find what works best for you. People would say "make sure you are organized when loading" and I would just think na it doesn't matter I will just throw them in quick (because you only get 20 minutes to load) and figure it out on the road or at my stop. This was a bad idea. It would take me 5-10 minutes to find a package I buried and this would just ruin my day losing that much time a few times a day. So I learned to organize in a way that works for me.


Some warehouses might say you can't load 3 high so maybe just load them as taught for the first few weeks until you feel like you got the hang of it to do it however you want. 

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